The Gnublin board is a small form factor PCB with an embedded Linux on it. It can be bought on
Picture of the Gnublin board:
Gnublin board with a Wifi dongle and battery:
Gnublin board connected to a STK-500:
7-Segment display attached to the Gnublin board:
Gnublin board with a DCF-77 reciefer:
DCF-77 high signal:
DCF-77 low signal:
Kernel configuration:
Schematics of the soundcard:
Soundcard PCB design:
Etched PCB:
Drill the wholes:
Manufactured PCB:
Fully assembled PCB:
Theory of the signal:
Signal on an oscilloscope (PWM):
Signal on an oscilloscope (PWM):
Setup of the soundcard:
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