HackMe4 – Timing

This password crack should be hacked by timing analysis. A timing analysis is the time variation a program needs to check the password.

Download File: HackMe4(Linux)
Download File: HackMe4(Windows)

Some password comparison functions are implemented by checking every single letter in a loop and abort it if a letter does not match. For example the c++ string compare function “strcmp” is implemented like this. This is shown in the following code examples.

#include "stdio.h"
#include "strings.h"

int main (void){
   char* inputpw = "passtest";
   char* rightpw = "password";
   int valid=0;
   valid = strcmp(inputpw, rightpw);

      printf("Right password\n");
      printf("Wrong password\n");

   return 0;

The string compare function can be also written as below. With a for loop, which will be executed until the two strings do not match. As a result of this, it takes more time to compare two strings if they are matching at the beginning. It will loop until the fifth letter is compared (“t” differ “w”).

#include "stdio.h"
#include "strings.h"

int main (void){
   char* inputpw = "passtest";
   char* rightpw = "password";
   int valid=0;
   int i=0;   

   for(i=0; rightpw[i]!='\0'; i++){
      if(inputpw[i] != rightpw[i]){
         // every loop needs time

      printf("Right password\n");
      printf("Wrong password\n");

   return 0;

With the above shown example the following figure illustrates the behavior of a string compare fucntion.


With Linux it is possible to measure the execution time.

$ time ./hackme4_linux passwordtest
Copyright by NM-Projects.de
Input: "passwordtest"
Wrong password

real    0m0.001s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.000s

Here we see, that the execution time is about 1 ms. By testing different inputs the execution time varies.

$ time ./hackme4_linux testpassword
Copyright by NM-Projects.de
Input: "testpassword"
Wrong password

real    0m0.101s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.000s

With the letter “t” at the beginning it takes 100 ms longer to determine the answer. So with a script it is easy to find the right password.

It is possible to use a small python script to determine the timing. For other passwords change the password in the python script.

import os
import timeit

start = timeit.default_timer()

os.system("./hackme4_linux password")

stop = timeit.default_timer()

print stop - start


C:\hackme4.exe passwordtest


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