Setting-up OpenPLC
The OpenPLC is a opensource Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) alternative.
Due to this, it is possible to understand the black box of these systems.
It could be easily used with a Raspberry Pi.
Install Raspbian
Download the current Raspbian Lite Image from
Unzip the Image and copy it to the SD card:
$ unzip $ sudo dd if=2017-09-07-raspbian-stretch-lite.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4M
Install Wiringpi
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade $ sudo apt-get install git-core
Clone the GIT and build the WiringPi Software
$ git clone git:// $ cd ~/wiringPi $ ./build
Test the output with WiringPi.
With the write command the output could be set to high or low.
$ gpio mode 4 out $ gpio write 4 1 $ gpio write 4 0
Pin Layout of the Raspberry Pi.
e +-----+ d | o o <- GND g | o o | e | o o | | o o | o | o o | f | o o | | o o | R | o o | a | o o | s | o o | p | o o | b | o o | e WiPi4 -> o o | r | o o | r | o o | y | o o | | o o | P | o o | i | o o | | o o | +-----+
Install OpenPLC on the Raspberry Pi.
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config bison flex $ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool make nodejs git $ cd $ git clone
Change into the OpenPLC folder and build it.
This will take some time.
$ cd OpenPLC_v2 $ ./
Enable DNP3 on the controller.
OpenPLC can talk Modbus/TCP and DNP3 SCADA protocols. Modbus/TCP is already added to the system. Do you want to add support for DNP3 as well (Y/N)? Y
Select the device, where to run OpenPLC.
In this case RaspberryPi (4).
The OpenPLC needs a driver to be able to control physical or virtual hardware. Please select the driver you would like to use: 1) Blank 5) UniPi 9) Arduino+RaspberryPi 2) Modbus 6) PiXtend 10) Simulink 3) Fischertechnik 7) Arduino 4) RaspberryPi 8) ESP8266 #? 4
Add OpenPLC to rc.local to start it at boot up.
$ sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Add the following two lines before exit 0 in the rc.local.
cd /home/pi/OpenPLC_v2 su root -c 'nodejs server.js > /dev/null &'
Reboot the Raspberry Pi.
ยง sudo reboot
Open a web browser on
Now it is time to upload the first Structured Text program to the PLC.
There is also the possibility to use the OpenPLC Editor
PROGRAM My_Program VAR button AT %IX0.0 : BOOL := 0; output AT %M0.0 : BOOL := 0; out2 AT %QX0.2 : BOOL := 0; END_VAR VAR NOT9_OUT : BOOL; END_VAR IF output = 1 THEN output := 0; else output := 1; END_IF; out2 := output; END_PROGRAM CONFIGURATION Config0 RESOURCE Res0 ON PLC TASK TaskMain(INTERVAL := T#50ms,PRIORITY := 0); PROGRAM Inst0 WITH TaskMain : My_Program; END_RESOURCE END_CONFIGURATION
Pin Layout of the Raspberry Pi.
e +-----+ d QX1.2 -> o o <- GND g QX1.1 -> o o | e QX1.0 -> o o | GND -> o o | o QX0.7 -> o o | f GND -> o o | N/A -> o o | R QX0.6 -> o o | a QX0.5 -> o o | s QX0.4 -> o o | p GND -> o o | b QX0.3 -> o o | e QX0.2 -> o o | r GND -> o o | r QW0 -> o o | y QX0.1 -> o o | QX0.0 -> o o | P GND -> o o | i 5V -> o o | 5V -> o o | +-----+
After the upload the program will be compiled.
If everything is fine, there should be the output: compiled without errors.
- Thiago Rodrigues Alves from
- Gordon Henderson from
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